How do you know which division you should compete in?
As you started out lifting weights, eating a balanced diet and getting your cardio in daily, you may have been approached by someone at the gym asking if you compete, or you may have seen another competitor in your gym, striking an interest! After doing a bit of research, you find that it is more confusing than you thought, as there are many divisions for one to choose from to get started. How do you choose?
Men’s bodybuilding started in the early 1900’s with strongmen lifting large objects (Charles Atlas) and then moved into mid century where one started sculpting their body, showing some muscle definition and size (Arnold Schwarzenegger). With the attraction of the sport and the interest of females into becoming fit, this sport has evolved to where we are today.
Currently there are 5 male categories, Open BB, 212, Classic Physique, Mens Physique and Wheelchair. There are 7 female categories. BB, Women’s Physique, Figure, Fitness, Wellness, Bikini and Fit Model. How does one choose?
Open Bodybuilding is the pinnacle of the sport, usually taking a much longer time to achieve the IFBB Pro status as well as win a pro show to get to the Olympia - Bodybuilders Super Bowl! Through the years and the continued desire from athletes to compete, new divisions were created. This was based on the need of individuals having certain genetic traits, shape, muscularity and structure - for example, every athlete doesn’t have necessarily the best body structure and muscularity for open bodybuilding. New divisions were added and have evolved over time based on a set of certain criteria. The current break down of each division can be found here
Once you have done a bit of research into each division and its criteria, you will be closer to making a decision on what division you should start your competitive journey with. As an individual grows in the sport, their body will show them if the category they chose to start with, is the best one for them to continue with or if the athletes structure has grown out of that division and into another! There are plenty of athletes that won their IFBB Pro card in one division, for example lets say Figure, and as they grew, they are now and better shape or muscularity for Women’s Physique!
With the expansion of the sport of bodybuilding and the new divisions that have been added over the years, has created an opportunity for more athletes to compete and eventually achieve the coveted “Pro” status. We can look at this both ways. For one, many more can become involved in the sport of bodybuilding and continue to increase awareness and overall health and wellness as a society. Second, some of the “old guard” and open bodybuilders find the addition of so many new divisions, has watered down the prestige of becoming a pro!
At Beast Strong Powerhouse, LLC, we are here to help! Getting an experienced coach to guide you though your prep for a show or just to help you get started on your journey to a more fit and healthy life! If you are local to Southern, Arizona, or are across the world, we have coaching options for you!
When you look in the mirror and what you see is NOT becoming to you, then you should becoming to Beast Strong Powerhouse, LLC.